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Wednesday, she asked me if I wanted to go shop with her. I agreed without realizing that she actually meant getting a full make-over.
In a little less than three hours, she bought a completely new wardrobe which was definitely more feminine and colourful. Instead of trying to hide her shapes, we made sure to accentuate them to show her natural beauty. I made sure she bought a little lingerie which raised a few eyebrows as I was almost old enough to be her father.
But I didn’t care. I was once again in love and this time, I wanted to make sure not to ruin it. Jill didn’t really know what she wanted in life so one night she decided to just trust me and let me make the big decisions. She told me that her past choices had been rather disastrous and she preferred to just trust me.
It didn’t really mean a BDSM relationship, she was still her own woman and when she wasn’t in the mood, she wasn’t in the mood. But it meant she wasn’t nagging me around for a bigger apartment or a nicer table set like my ex-wife had been near the end.
Weirdly, at the same time, it reminded me exactly of Suzy. While Suzy was studying to be a psychologist I was making all the decisions simply because she didn’t have time to make them.
When she was starting her practice and I was building my company, we didn’t have much money so I ended up making most of the decisions simply because I was better in accounting.
I realized it was only when we bought the bigger house that Suzy had changed. Instead of following our goals and plans, she wanted to fit with the same neighbours and friends who later shunned us when we had less money and our couple was in jeopardy.
She became in a way a soccer mom and instead of evaluating her happiness on how close we were, she seemed to evaluate it on how well financially we were.
Thinking back, at no point did Suzy seem attracted to money. When we initially dated, I was just a student in industrial design and nothing destined me to greatness. Most of my colleagues have problems making a decent living and if she was attracted to a lavish lifestyle, she would have made different choices early on.
It’s as if my lack of presence in the last few years substituted her desire for a loving man with the only thing she was receiving from him, financial things.
I didn’t want to repeat this with Jill so I made sure we had long conversations about our goals and desires and made mental notes to never take Jill for granted.
I quickly realized how different she was from how Suzy had become, especially in our sex life. Perhaps it was her youthful energy. Perhaps it was the fact she grew up in a more liberal generation. Perhaps I was just more confortable trying new things.
All I know is that it was fun. Role play, costumes, sex at the office, porn moviesĀ (both watching and making some), a little bondage, some disciplining. She even worked a full day without a single piece of clothes on. Well, she tried to work as neither of us actually got much work done.
Yet, at the same time, my kids really like her. I had been anxious at first since most kids of separated parents always wish for their parents to come back together. However, instead of seeing Jill as a replacement mother, they adopted her as a big sister who liked to play with them. Suzy was nervous at first about her and made a few comments about how young she was after seeing her at a birthday party but otherwise seemed to accept our relationship.
Sadly, it made me realize that perhaps all my efforts to get back with Suzy between the separation and my first night with Jill might have been in vain. Perhaps it really was over.