Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Mon, Mar 31st
I quickly went to my apartment to take a long bath.
It had been great wearing some clothes today, but somehow, I had missed being naked during that hour or so. It’s odd how used to nudity I was beginning to be.
I returned with Mark and Peter at the end of the day and mentally made a note of the distance between the mine and the monorail.
After grabbing a few books from the library, I later found Mark and Stephen at the monorail station about to board with Peter, a long-term miner taking my two sexual partners into training.
I woke up in Laura’s bed a little disoriented, after having spent countless months sleeping in weird places, first on the ship then in cabin 34, it felt great sleeping in an actual bed.
By the time I was done in the kitchen, it was already time for the supper banquet and so, I ate with my current family.
In a good mood from my meeting with Mark, I ran to the port to grab three electronic tablets and a back pack from the supplies to carry them.
I woke up early in the morning still stuck between Alexandra and Audreane who were both sound asleep.
I had explored the rest of the factory fast enough, seeing plenty of interesting material to export.
The next ship was due to arrive in only 3 weeks, I made a mental note to plan the exports as efficiently as possible to maximize our, well, my, revenues.
Supper was just like any other supper, except that this time, my mind was elsewhere, despite Mark being most closer to me than usual and Cassiopeia, sitting in front of me, kept touching my legs with her feet in a feeble attempt at flirting.
I walked back to cabin #34 with a song in my step. I could swear that people could spot that I was dancing rather than walking but I didn’t care.
After I came back from the Orchard, I decided to sit on a bench in the town center, wondering how I should use my leadership skills to contribute to the share when Rita, our town elder sat next to me.
And so, another share wasn’t meant for me. Picking apples in this orchard wasn’t a fun-filled adventure in tree climbing but rather a driving test to see how close to each tree you could get without hitting it.
Cassiopeia and I were left alone on the side of the track in almost pitch darkness, days of walk away from the nearest humans.
After our Shower, Cassiopeia and I returned to the cabin and it didn’t take long before the three of us were asleep, cuddling with each other, each of the two girls on either sides of Mark.
I left the cabin filthy with dripping semen from my upper chest and boobs and quickly hurried to the shower once more.
Tiffany and I wished a good evening to Alexandra as we got off from the monorail and quickly reached a shower near our house.
Tiffany was the one who found me once they were done having sex. She was still partly covered in dried mud and I could see the mud imprints of Alexandra’s hands on her buttock and breasts.
The train stopped in the middle of nowhere. Unlike the other locations, there was no station to stop at per se.
We sat for roughly 15 minutes while we waited for a few other people to enter and soon enough, the monorail accelerated quickly until the next station while Paul was talking to Alexandra about her tractor.
When I woke up, I was still spooning Tiffany, but Cassiopeia had taken Penelope’s place in the bed. I guess I didn’t hear either of them moving in the house.
From the outside, the little houses looked desperately tiny. At first, I had imagined a couple living in each of the metal containers and found them terribly inadequate.
City Hall was just another one of the big anonymous buildings placed at the end of the streets.
It wasn’t even labelled or decorated. No flags or flowers announced it.
And so, I spent the rest of the afternoon walking the various streets of the city, familiarizing myself with the architecture.
One of the older women stepped forward from the crowd.
“Why are you wearing clothes ? Are you trying to insult our customs and laws ? Even if you are a just visitor, you need to follow the rules”
I stopped caring. I almost stopped feeding myself. If I had still been in economic class, I would have most likely starved to death without anyone noticing, but in First Class, Paulio made sure I ate enough each day, going so far as dragging me naked from the pool so I would eat.
After a few weeks spent entirely alone in the economic section of the ship, I started to seriously feel space sick. Have you ever spent weeks without seeing a single human being while being assured you wouldn’t feel contact with another person before at least another 10 months?
There are three main types of space ships. Shuttles are only used for carrying people between the ground and a space station. They were generally rather smaller and completely entered inside space port docking stations.
My parents are rich. Filthy rich. To the point where it is completely insane.
While I was growing up, I didn’t always realize it, but as I matured, I came into contact with kids who didn’t have private tutors.