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I did a quick look around as Annie was fetching my black robe for the ceremony.
I had been offered a mask, but since I had been the emcee earlier I felt like it was useless to hide my face. Well, it might have added to the decorum, but in a way, I wanted to be known, to be recognized.
I woke up disoriented, wondering if I had dreamed having sex with Kylie or not.
But Kylie was still next to me. She had moved under the covers in the mean time, but was otherwise naked next to me.
After a walk in the dark night trying to hide our mischief, we were back at our dorm room, both excited.
I had no idea how to draw Nina out. The fact she freed all of her pledges meant there was no way to get to her from below.
The Sacred Society had it’s own room on campus, with an official charter granted by the university and official board members, most of which were gold members of the society.
Greg came back a lot faster than I thought he would… I am guessing that being free from his cage with the promise of sex supercharged him.
I got dressed in a jiffy. Saturdays used to mean something when I was kid: morning cartoons.
It was time I made my own cartoons, so decided to drop by Greg’s room.
I woke up from my sleep and felt as if I had slept for 3 years!
The previous evening with Stephanie had struck a cord and I couldn’t wait to see my red-headed beauty. Of course, meeting the Gold Members had been the cherry on top.
When I came out of the shower, I found Stephanie sitting in the shower cabin, naked.
You see, these communal showers have 2 parts. There is a locked door with a small undressing area in front of the shower so you may store your belongings safely while you are showering with the curtain closed.
With the drums beating, most of the members of the society present at the ceremony came one by one in front of me, exchanging a weird pen.
After the talk with Kylie, I was sure I would have a good night sleep, but instead, there was a knock on the door which make me jump from my bed.
I was restless after Tim left.
I knew that it was what Tim wanted, but for me, sex wasn’t just about my own pleasure, it was also for my partner’s sake. Afterwards, I felt like I was useless, that my body wasn’t interesting enough to want to fuck.
Tim and I rushed to my room and entered it while kissing passionately.
We were both seriously in the mood and caressing each other’s body.
I spent the rest of the day in class. Yeah, I have classes and I actually generally manage to do quite well in my studies.
As soon as I left Tim’s room, I called Annie on her cell phone, telling her I qualified to be a silver member.
When I woke up in Tim’s bed, I was alone in the room.
I took the opportunity to rapidly get dressed and gather my thoughts.
Getting Kylie sealed to me was most likely the most fun I’ve had since I entered college.
Seeing my naked roommate kneel before me in shame and humiliation only increased my attraction to her forbidden fruit.
Stephanie waited for me at the entrance of the restaurant and warmed up when she saw me. We both kissed and embraced before I located Greg sitting at a table, reading a physics book.
After my classes, I returned to my room, exhausted from my long day and well, my long week-end too.
Sadly, it wasn’t about to be over: not only was Kylie in the room, she was actually sitting on my bed, reading a book.
Kylie was getting on my nerves and I seriously wanted to break her things in the apartment.
Sure, perhaps she was right, perhaps there were bad people in the Sacred Order Society. But this didn’t mean that it was wrong from the ground up.
I came back to my room excited about my new situation.
I already had Tim sealed and Stephanie would soon “belong” to me too. Since I was already sealed to a Silver member, that meant I only had to seal one other person to progress to the next level.
I was still cuddling Stephanie when my cell phone rang. Both of us were still naked on her bed and Tim was still kneeling by the bed, equally undressed.
I was still completely high from the sealing ceremony. It was exciting and I could clearly see that my place was in the sacred source society.
The new ceremonial room was much smaller and consisted of a normal class room with all of the desks pushed in a corner of the room.
Annie was already waiting for me in the empty classroom when I arrived.
I was rather nervous. I had no idea how she would react and it scared me. I was about to place myself in a really delicate situation and rushing in wasn’t generally my style.
When I woke up in Tim’s bed, I was alone. Confused, I slowly sat on the side of the bed to regain my grasp on the previous night’s events.
Tim and I ran to his room. We both had experimentation we wanted to do and the sooner we could get it done the better it would be.
It didn’t take long before the scene was reset. The bed sheets were removed and fresh ones were put in place.
I thought back about the campus map. The computer engineering classes were divided in two main areas. There was the main science campus which housed the general software and hardware development classes and there was the smaller Faulkner building which was used solely for more specialised programs, like mine.
Friday didn’t come fast enough. I finally would know more about where my roommate disappeared to from time to time and perhaps would find a way to get closer to her.
I slowly got used to living on campus even if I felt a little isolated. Read More…
I cannot remember any point in my life in which I was a totally normal girl. I looked normal, but I was a lot more mature for my age than anyone ever gave me credit for.