Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Tue, Apr 1st
Today would be nothing like the others. First, I had an appointment with an urologist for my vasectomy preparation. Second, we would get the results of our STD screening.
In both cases, I had various fears which I hadn’t sufficiently prepared in advance for.
Suzy had customers this morning and couldn’t cancel them at such a short notice. I could have gone to the meeting with Jill, but I eventually decided to drop her off at the office and face the doctor alone.
When I arrive in the office, there were already three other man filling what I could only presume to be the same questionnaire as I had in my hands as well as an elderly lady I was sure came for other problems.
To my surprise, I was called first despite being a late arrival. I did have an early appointment so perhaps the others were simply in advance.
The doctor was roughly my age and got down to business rather quickly. He started by asking me why I wanted a vasectomy explaining in no vague terms to consider the procedure as being completely irreversible.
I started to explain that I already had two wonderful kids and that it was enough for my wife and I. He surprised me by asking why my wife wouldn’t consider just using the contraceptive pill as if it was a given that woman needed to be on it all of their lives.
I wanted to protest but I realized that his body language contrasted with the tone of his question. I realized that it was probably routine and simply asked to ensure it wasn’t something on whim.
“Doctor, we already have our hands full with our respective careers and our kids. A new pregnancy could cause us a serious prejudice and my wife has side effects from the pill. Her doctor thinks it is time to get off the pill and suggested she get a tubal ligation but I suggested a vasectomy instead since it is a much simpler operation.”
The doctor looked me intensively into the eyes and I admit I had problems looking back. He seemed to get that I was lying and admitted it directly.
“Listen, I don’t care why you really want a vasectomy. I just want to make sure you do not regret the operation. I don’t want you in a few months to come back crying that your wife wants another kid. Why don’t you just tell me the truth so we can move forward”.
“This is strictly confidential, right ?”
“I’m not even going to put it in your files. I only need to check a box saying that I found your reasons sufficient. You could have just told me you had enough kids and I would have been happy with it, but with your crazy pill theory I have the feeling there more to it.”
I grunted a little and spilled out the deal while looking at my feet.
“When we had our son, my wife and I decided it was enough to have two kids and she got on the pill. However I got separated a year ago and made a new younger girlfriend who doesn’t want to have kids, at least not with me. Since I don’t want other kids, I am fine with it. Since then, I also went back with my wife and we’re all pretty much tired of the condom. We figured that under the circumstances, it was easier for just me to have a vasectomy then asking both of them to take the pill”.
“Are you telling me you are dating your younger girlfriend and your ex-wife ? Do they know ?”
“Considering we all sleep in the same bed, pretty much, yeah…”
“Damn. Some guys have all the fun ! Ok, I am approving you. I am guessing you are rather in a hurry, right ?”
“I heard it can take a few weeks…”
“I have a cancellation for Friday. Would that suit you ? You’ll be on the rocks for the week-end thought.”
The doctor explained the procedure and notably the fact that for up to three months, we needed to use an alternative mode of contraception until he can confirm I am indeed sterile. Suzy and Jill were both already on the pill so as soon as we would get the STD screening tests, we would be done with the condoms.
Well, I would still need to use a condom for a few days with Jill because she was only on her third day but in theory tonight, I would be able to fuck my wife naturally.
I had some fears about the pain for the week-end and was told that it was the reason Vasectomies were only done on Fridays so that patients would be fine for work on the next Monday.
But overall, my stress was transferred to the STD results. In fact, there was still a chance that if one of us had a serious STD, I would cancel the vasectomy.
Suzy picked us up at the office to go the clinic. We were told that they never give results on the phone in case a treatment is indeed necessary.
We had to wait a painful 30 minutes before Jill was called to the office. Less than 3 minutes later she came back smiling, announcing she had a clean bill, negative on everything.
This reassured both Suzy and I. If Jill had nothing, the chances that one of us could have something were slim. I was next and the doctor simply glanced at my file and announced that I too, was clean.
A few minutes later, Suzy went into the doctor’s office but her meeting lasted almost 15 minutes. Jill and I were worried that it means that Suzy had a problem and when we finally saw her with a prescription in her hand, we started to panic.
Perhaps tonight I wouldn’t get to avoid using a condom after all. Perhaps Suzy lied and had other sexual encounter while we were apart.
And if she did have something, perhaps we had been imprudent to have unprotected oral sex….
Fortunately, she did not have any STDs or sicknesses. She simply had a low iron count in her blood and received a prescription for iron supplements.
Relieved, Suzy dropped Jill and I at the office where it was hard to concentrate for both of us knowing about what tonight would entail.
Jill even whispered in my ear : “Tonight, you won’t have to use a condom at all…”
“But it’s too early for your contraceptive pill to have taken effect”
“Not if you sodomize me…”, she replied while spanking her ass with her right hand.
Yes, my urologist was right, I am one lucky bastard.
August 24th, 2010 at 12:38
It’s an interesting transition chapter. I like the little suspense which for a moment makes us think that Suzy has a problem.
Is the lack of a condom the reason the next chapter will be called “Naked” ?