Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Thu, Mar 13th
I woke up disoriented, wondering if I had dreamed having sex with Kylie or not.
But Kylie was still next to me. She had moved under the covers in the mean time, but was otherwise naked next to me.
I managed to leave the bed without waking her up which is clearly a miracle of biblical proportion considering I had to cross over her to leave my bed.
I got dressed as silently as possible and left only to find an sms from Annie: “Mixer is tonight. Get your act together” as well as a voicemail which was actually rather nice complimenting me on my proposal being accepted.
I ran to her room and discovered that she was already awake, texting and calling all of the unmatched boys in the society.
I didn’t have the right to see the list, but I caught a glimpsed and saw that if all of them paid their dues, our theft was seriously short of the total.
I was told that my plan was fully accepted and that almost everyone would be there, well, apart from the Gold Members since they couldn’t officially condone the event until they got clear results. They were hopeful thoughts, and Annie’s promotion to Gold status pretty much hung in the balance.
But everyone knew it came from me, and soon enough, I would be on the fast tract to a promotion but Annie admitted that as a first session student, I probably had to wait until the holiday vacations to change level.
“Speaking of the vacations, the guys who go home to their families, do they get, you know, unlocked?”
Annie reassured me that they did! Well, if they wanted that is. Same with the summer vacations and the guys going home for spring break or Thanksgiving. The rules were for on-campus only.
I quickly left her (or rather, was pretty much kicked out) and went on my day as usual, even if my thoughts were all about the evening…
At 6pm, I was already in the room with Annie, helping with the decorations which mainly consisted of candlesticks and velvet banners.
Annie and I reviewed the plan for the evening and she showed me the box of “tools” I would need: as it turned out, I would personally be the mistress of ceremony.
I also received a leather notebook with a few ceremonial quotes selected with post-its to recite during the ceremony and I used the time until the guests arrived to study them in a little corner. What Annie didn’t know, was that I was also using my call phone to scan all of the pages for Kylie…
Around 7, guests began to arrive. At first were the unpledged guys, eager to find a girl to pledge to. Soon after were two by two (or sometimes more) relationships that were already sealed, usually a girl and one or more guys. I guessed that either these girls wanted to add to their collection or didn’t like to perform any milking. Tim arrived pretty much at that time, but I explained that I was busy as the emcee. and couldn’t devote a lot of time to him.
Eventually, the single girls arrived, mostly new members, which, I presume, didn’t want to be the first ones arriving.
Mingling went very well. As I walked in the crowd, I realized that most of the talks weren’t sex related or even society related at all! The guys and the girls were having normal college talks like discussing classes, politics, relationships, dreams and aspirations.
They had been told that if they clicked, they could go see Annie to make the pledge which would eventually get them sealed and Annie was happy to report that 5 new girls got their first guy pledged (and in one case, her second too). 3 more girls added to their collection, for a total of 9 guys leaving during the mixer.
Annie was ecstatic since this was the record of any previous events simply because no one had ever bothered to get all of the girls looking to increase their base with the guys looking for a girl to pledge to.
Time was flying by, and soon enough, the lights were dimmed and the candlesitck lit. It was time for phase 2 of the evening.