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Tiffany and I wished a good evening to Alexandra as we got off from the monorail and quickly reached a shower near our house.
There was a brick of soap already in the shower but there were no shampoo bottles or towels or other means to dry off.
Still, when in Rome…
As I anticipated, I was not alone in the shower. Tiffany entered and we both washed ourselves under what I could only describe as lukewarm water. I would have screamed for help if I had ever gotten into a shower that cold on Earth, but Tiffany seemed to be comfortable with it so I stayed silent.
Just one more thing to add to my list of things making my new life miserable.
Tiffany washed my back and I washed hers, but the rest of the shower was surprisingly non-sexual. Maybe she was used to common showers with other girls and never associated it with sex.
In all cases, I actually welcomed the friendly shower which made me feel close to her in a personal way and not in a perverted way.
I quickly understood how you dried off from your shower: you simply walked away and let the sun do it’s work. I had goose bumps all over my body and longed for a towel, but couldn’t find any around.
It made me wonder how the men dried off. Did they simply put their clothes back on and use them as a towel?
Tiffany explained to me what unless there is a banquet, we simply go to the town hall to eat whenever we want to. She dragged me around town and we found Penelope and Cassiopeia already eating in silence. I think Cassiopeia even sigh over when she saw Tiffany and I.
Still, we ate supper. It was very welcomed after a day of hard labour in the field and was quite filling.
Mark, I learned from Tiffany, would only arrive later on the last equatorial train home. I also learned a lot more than I cared about on his job of replacing solar panels.
I think at some point that Cassiopeia and I understood each other when we locked eyes with the same desperation in our look. She even had a small smile with me.
When I was almost done, Penelope and Tiffany were in a big discussion about cultivation schedules when Cassiopeia decided to leave the table without saying a word.
I decided to follow her outside and walked next to her.
“I like to take a walk alone after supper”, she simply said to me.
“Do you mind if I tag along, otherwise Tiffany will grab me and bore me to death with her stories”
Cassiopeia stopped walking and looked at me.
“I am not a big talker”
“I wouldn’t mind a little silence myself. If you let me accompany you, I promise not to say anything at all.”
She emitted a small grunt and we resumed our walk across the city, toward the dormitory area, without saying a word.
After having my ears filled in by Tiffany and Alexandra on both monorail rides, the gentle evening breeze was rather pleasant and calming on my nude body.
In the dormitory, we went directly in the nursery where Cassiopeia held in her arms a young baby girl for a few minutes while I waited on a chair across the room.
True to my promise, I stayed silent as Cassiopeia sang a nursery rhyme I was unfamiliar with. She had a much gentler voice than I had heard before and a light seemed to illuminate her face.
It didn’t take long however for us to go back to our house, to find that we were the only ones there.
“Thanks for the walk. That was Henrietta. My daughter.”
“She’s beautiful, and you have a beautiful voice when you sign”
“Thank you. Perhaps we’ll get along you and I. You seem to be able to get along with both Tiffany and I. I don’t think anyone could ever do that.”
“Don’t you get along with Mark too? I mean, he seems to like Tiffany a lot”
“I guess. But it’s not the same. We have an understanding. He leaves me mostly alone.”
Soon enough however, Mark arrived, exhausted from his long day of work.
“I had to replace two complete banks today. I am completely drained. I don’t even have the energy to go eat.”
I decided to help him a little…
“Can I do a little massage for you?”
“A what?
Oh, so these people had no idea what a massage was? Weird… I began rubbing his shoulders from behind after he sat on the bed. He was extremely tense.
“Oh, you mean rubbing my muscles…”
“We call that a massage from where I come from”
As I was rubbing his back, Cassiopeia kneeled before him and began rubbing his legs, providing a 4 hands massage.
“I could get used to this”, simply added Mark.
I removed his shirt, showing me his muscled upper body. Say what you want, there is nothing like manual work to sculpt the body of a man.
I continued to massage his back but eventually, Cassiopeia and I switch position and I noticed, while in front of him, that his manhood was visibly erect under this shorts.
I slowly moved my hands from his foot to his thighs, under the guise of continuing my massage, but my next step was to untie his shorts.
He began to say something but I shushed him. It was my time to play.
I pulled on his shorts until he lifted his buttock from the bed. To my surprise, the previously cold and distant Cassiopeia was helping me undress him.
Soon as naked as the two of us, Mark was as hard as a rock, but I didn’t want pleasure myself. I wanted to thank him for his welcome and feared that if we had sex I might be stealing one of the other girls turn.
Instead, I kissed the tip of his penis and slowly began sucking it, making it fit as deeply as I could within my mouth.
I didn’t stay there however. As soon as I had began my proper fellatio movement, I began gently caressing his balls. I couldn’t see above me, but I could hear Cassiopeia and Mark kissing.
When I felt that Mark was properly in the mood, I gently inserted my middle finger into his rectum, to further stimulate him.
I really, really didn’t want to swallow his sperm however, so when I felt he was about to come, I pulled his cock out of my mouth and guided it on my breasts, while replacing my mouth action with my hands.
It surprised Mark, since he suddenly stopped kissing Cassiopeia to look at the pearls of his sperm dripping on my chest.
I didn’t give them the chance to say anything, I simply left the house saying: “I’ll go clean up. See you in a bit…”