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Travel to exotic places, meet interesting people and fuck them. This could very well summarize the sex tourism industry.
A few decades ago, sex tourism meant travelling to poor countries to have sex with either cheap or underage prostitutes.
In both cases, rare were the promoters really able to benefit from this industry which was by its very nature totally discreet. When a man in his forties travelled alone to Bangkok back then, there was a chance he was a sex tourist but there was no way for someone to sell him a package and make a fortune.
Today however, sex tourism doesn’t convey the same meaning. Swinging is now a legitimate activity amongst consenting adults and a few Caribbean resorts opened to fill their specific travel needs.
But you can’t improvise yourself a tourist resort operator out of nowhere. First of all, the starting costs are huge and no government or bank will be willing to help you start or buy a resort for the express desire to turn it into a swinger’s resort.
The only reason a 28 years old woman like me managed to get control of such a vacation destination was because I was born in it.
My grandfather owed a plantation in Jamaica which he got from his own father. Even thought the land was in excellent quality then, but the time my father inherited it, it needed massive improvements in order to satisfy the more modern productivity requirements.
With higher waves for his workers and global competition, my father realized he would never make a fortune and certainly couldn’t pass anything back to his children.
But the plantation reached up to a long virgin beach which made him the frequent acquisition target of hotel chains who wanted to develop the area for further tourism.
It was clear there was a future and some of the hotel chains even showed interest in a partnership with my father in order to convince him to sell.
Slowly, he had a plan in mind. He sold the majority of the plantation to one of the big American farming conglomerates. They had a long term vision plan and paid a premium to my father.
With the capital, he built a first resort on a portion of the land he kept, near the beach.
It was terribly risky and almost everyone told him he would surely fail. He almost did. In his first year, he never managed to book at more than 10% capacity and was aiming directly to bankruptcy.
His wife and mother of his two kids left him cold and went back to the USA, her home country.
Single, depressed and regretting his choices, he started to obsess with his project having nothing else to lose.
He started phoning travel agents in foreign countries personally to offer deals and rebates and managed to reach sufficient capacity in his second year to stay afloat.
This allowed him to hire a few specialized workers such as chefs, entertainers and a brand new much younger general manager, a former Club Med organizer, Jeanne Valmont.
The two quickly developed an efficient working relationship which produced a well lucrative resort allowing multiple improvements. They also developed a romantic loving relationship which produced a beautiful and intelligent little girl, me.
I grew up on the resort doing all sorts of tasks when I wasn’t in school. I started cleaning rooms when I was 10. I helped in the kitchens when I was 12. I taught aerobics and danced in night shows when I was 14.
When I turned 16, it became clear I had a lot of sex-appeal and I used it to get tips and gifts from customers. I would teach them aqua-form by the pool in the morning, serve them food at lunch and perform in a show in the evening.
But on the afternoons, I would usually relax on the beach with them.
Most of our clients were from Europe where it is common for woman to bathe topless on the beach and I had decided to follow suit.
It was at my suggestion that my parent decided to allow woman to be topless inside the resort. Before, woman were asked to put their top back on before being served a drink at the bar. To me, who grew up seeing topless woman everyday, it was illogical not to follow our customer wishes.
When I turned 19, I began studying the tourism industry. I was assistant manager, right under my mother and I wanted to impress my parents with new exciting ideas.
A year later, I propose we divided the beach into two halves, a normal beach and a free beach area which allowed our customers to bathe and sun tan completely nude.
Many of the other Jamaican resorts had such a stretch of a beach and it proved very popular amongst our clients. At first, my parents were afraid that we would lose the few families we were getting amongst our clients but because the beach was a little further away, nobody complained.
Instead, a few nudist friendly families began using our resort as a destination in order to use our beach.
Most of our employees were a little uncomfortable with the idea, but I had a beach bar and grill opened on that side of the beach to make it a little more popular.
Initially, it was undermanned so I did a lot of the shifts but tipping was very good and many of the employees decided it was worth it.
Would I surprise you if I told you it became one of my favourite parts of the resort ? Feeling the wind and the sun on your entire body was certainly refreshing. I loved bathing in the ocean while entirely nude.
My mother sometimes joined me on the nude beach but the few times my father came, he kept his bathing suit.
Around when I was 21 we started to notice that while we were still running mostly at full capacity, the percentage of revenues coming from families was almost negligible.
Most of the other resorts had better playground and daycare facilities and ours were costing a fortune to operate for the simple reason that they were running under capacity.
For several weeks of the year our various employees operating the day care had nothing to do for the lack of kids.
You have to understand something. If there is a lot of kids at a resort, people will comment about that when they come back and it will encourage other families to travel there. If there are no kids, people will also comment and families will avoid you.
And yet, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. There are travellers who prefer it when there are no kids around. Swingers are one of such groups.
As reports of our lack of kids became more widely known, swingers began to book rooms in greater and greater numbers.
A swinger organization in New York began booking the entire resort for a week in February for their members. Another in Baltimore did the same for a week in April.
In both cases we had to do a few accommodations to get their business such as making the entire resort clothing optional and closing our eyes on public display of sexuality.
My now relatively old and conservative father found it a little too hard for him to accept but appreciated the revenues. Seeing I was comfortable handling their business, my parents decided to leave me in charge during the events in order for them to take well deserved vacations.
For the next three years, I directly negotiated with various swinger associations and clubs to organize more and more frequent “free weeks” during which we operated as a giant swingers club.
When I turned 25, the resort became an almost full time swingers resort with only Christmas and spring break with more conservative rules.
I was practically left in charge as my parents used the newfound profits to tour the world and eventually retire in a villa a few miles from the resort.
I’ve now been in charge for a full three years and I can assure you, its a dream job.
July 29th, 2010 at 10:41
Interesting progression of character. It’s a little concise, but clear.
I hope we’ll get to see her in action soon.
February 5th, 2011 at 06:58
[…] it’s not really by accident. If you re-read (or read, if you never did in the past), the first chapter of Cathy, you’ll notice I added background information about Cathy’s father and his first wife […]
March 17th, 2011 at 10:55
[…] now manages full time his resort and is more often in contact with him than I am. Fortunately, Cathy is always on the resort and easy to find. Too bad we are related thought, because I wouldn’t […]