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Pat was born Patrick and is now Patricia.
Patricia is a trans-gendered female who decided to do all of the steps to become a woman, except the gender reassignment surgery.
To Patricia, this is totally fine as she simply sees herself as a woman who decided to keep her penis. She doesn’t really use it anyway, since she asked her husband and master to lock it in a chastity device.
Her husband however, sees things differently and isn’t totally comfortable with the changes as he is homosexual and sees Patricia changes on a much less positive tone.
Still, they get along, love each other and the big elephant in the room stay hidden from them.
This is the second new serial in 2014 and like the story Karen, it deals with Chastity Belts, a subject I had start to touch and which, I realized during my 3 year hiatus, that I had not properly approached (such as in Lizzie).
Having already covered most of my fantasies in my other serials, I am now starting to explore certain aspects of erotica which fall outside of my actual interest but for which I have some inspiration to write.
I hope I can still interest you!