Lindsey Chapter 10: Forbidden Fruit

Filed: Lindsey @ 6:12am on September 13, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 881
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This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Lindsey

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Why are class S slaves so expensive?

Filed: Background @ 6:43am on September 11, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 821

In the Susanna universe, each teenager, on his or her 19th birthday, is sold at an action to slavery for 2 years. There are 4 classes of slaves, from which the teenager can freely choose but if he or she isn’t selected in his chosen class, they are sold at a rebate on their gender’s “default” class.

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Susanna Chapter 11: Interviews

This entry is part 11 of 40 in the series Susanna

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Sylvana Chapter 14: Depression

Filed: Sylvana @ 6:23am on September 9, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 744
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This entry is part 14 of 16 in the series Sylvana

The three of us spend what sounded an eternity just cuddled together. Linda had stopped stroking Sylvana’s hair and was just holding her tightly, resting Sylvana’s head on her shoulder. Read More…

Pets Chapter 24(Richard): Walk in the park

Filed: Pets @ 6:21am on September 8, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 1,350
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This entry is part 25 of 40 in the series Pets

My day at work had been pleasant enough. I had eaten with Candy, and took one of my breaks with her. We mostly talked about Ellie. We were both pleased she had entered our lives. Read More…

Suzy and Jill Chapter 21: New Decisions

Filed: Suzy and Jill @ 5:08am on September 7, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 1,648
This entry is part 21 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Breakfast was a lot less tense than the last two days. Read More…

Sam Chapter 4: Dressing Up

Filed: Sam @ 6:18am on September 6, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 1,172
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This entry is part 4 of 20 in the series Sam

As soon as we came home, I went up to my room to figure out what to wear for the party. Read More…

What happened to Lindsey ?

Filed: Blog @ 5:15am on September 4, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 165

Sometimes, you get a great idea in your mind but when you start writing it, you realize you’ve hit a dead-end.

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Susanna Chapter 10: Leaving my parents

Filed: Susanna @ 6:34am on September 3, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 863
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This entry is part 10 of 40 in the series Susanna

My parents had calmed down about my class choice, but were still very emotional. The 19th birthday of any child is generally highly emotional because it is the day parents lose their him or her to official adulthood. Furthermore, for two years, I will not be able to talk to them unless one of us gets sick, thought generally, slaves are allowed to call their parents on their 20th birthday to give them news. Read More…

Cathy Chapter 3: Mixing it up

This entry is part 3 of 13 in the series Cathy

In case you haven’t caught on yet, I am a very sexual woman. Read More…

Lizzie Chapter 2: Settling In

Filed: Lizzie @ 5:42am on September 1, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 819
This entry is part 2 of 31 in the series Lizzie

I slowly got used to living on campus even if I felt a little isolated. Read More…

Over 100,000 words programmed !

Filed: Blog @ 11:18am on August 31, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 262

I am proud to announce that I have now over 100,000 words already scheduled on

Sure, some of the words are in blog entries and a big portion of the stories were already written in the past, but with each new chapter, the percentage of material written specifically for the website increases.

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Two new tags: Penatio and Sodotio

Filed: Background @ 9:17am on August 31, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 46
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I have added 2 new tags on the site, both of which are present in Chapter 20 of Suzy and Jill: Penatio and Sodotio

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Suzy and Jill Chapter 20: Naked

This entry is part 20 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

The kids somehow got to bed a little earlier than usual. There was a lot of sexual tension in the house and everyone seemed on the edge. Read More…

Lucy Chapter 1: Disoriented

Filed: Lucy @ 6:17am on August 30, 2010 One comment! :|   Word Count: 961
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This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Lucy

As she slowly awoke from her sleep, Lucy felt the hard cold floor on her back. “That’s odd, why am I on the floor?” she thought, but rapidly, that became the last of her worries. Read More…

New Tag: crossovers

Filed: Background @ 6:35am on August 28, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 160

This week will mark the arrival of a new tag: crossovers.

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Cindy Story Introduction

Filed: Stories Introductions @ 6:14am on August 28, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 182

The first 8500 words of Cindy were written in June 2005 and were an experiment in writing more than anything else.

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Susanna Chapter 9: Slave Party

This entry is part 9 of 40 in the series Susanna

Finally, I was 19. I woke up for the last time in my bed. Tonight, I would be sleeping in my new house; probably in bed with my new master. I was so excited. Read More…

Sylvana Chapter 13: Bargaining

Filed: Sylvana @ 5:44am on August 26, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 669
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This entry is part 13 of 16 in the series Sylvana

“If I gave you 10,000$, would you leave me alone John ?”, Sylvana offered. Read More…

Pets Chapter 23(Ellie): Toy Store

Filed: Pets @ 6:48am on August 25, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 555
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This entry is part 24 of 40 in the series Pets

Richard dropped me up at my apartment around 8h35. That meant I had over 8 hours and half alone to waste. Read More…

Apologies for this week

Filed: Blog @ 5:49am on August 25, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 402
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My stories have erotic elements, not I do not consider all of them to be erotic stories.

The difference between the two is that in my stories, there isn’t erotica in every one of my chapters. For example, Sylvana only has 3 real chapters with erotic scenes in its 15 first chapters and one of those is only composed of masturbation.

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Suzy and Jill Chapter 19: The Meetings

Filed: Suzy and Jill @ 5:39am on August 24, 2010 One comment! :|   Word Count: 1,096
This entry is part 19 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Today would be nothing like the others. First, I had an appointment with an urologist for my vasectomy preparation. Second, we would get the results of our STD screening. Read More…

Sam Chapter 3: Shopping

Filed: Sam @ 6:01am on August 23, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 860
This entry is part 3 of 20 in the series Sam

If I wanted to become Samantha, I needed a complete new wardrobe.

I had become convinced that I would spend at least a year as a woman and I certainly couldn’t spend it wearing my old clothes.

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Does "Helen" involve rape ?

Filed: Blog @ 6:45am on August 21, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 300

Helen in chapter 1 was clearly taken against her will and is being kept prisoner, and yet, the story will not involve non-consensual sex.

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Lucy Story Introduction

Filed: Stories Introductions @ 2:26pm on August 20, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 175

Lucy, Chapter 1 was written back in November 2005, if I remember properly.

I was actually rather frustrated at an injustice I had been the victim of and passed my frustration by writing the first 2/3 of this story.

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Susanna Chapter 8: Sandler

Filed: Susanna @ 6:08am on August 20, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 1,586
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This entry is part 8 of 40 in the series Susanna

When I woke up, I was disoriented. Waking up in my bed was really frightening. I was awoken up by my alarm clock, which was very strange compared to being waked up by a human being.

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Cathy Chapter 2: Welcome Routine

Filed: Cathy @ 3:03pm on August 19, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 1,065
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This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series Cathy

I try to personally welcome every new visitor, always wearing my official greeting uniform.

I let my long hair down and completely shave under the neck. I wear a nice pair of leather sandals which leaves most of the foot bare. I put on my favourite golden chain anklet as well as its matching waist chain. I also put my pendant with the logo of the resort on a chain which places it right between my breast when I am standing up.

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Lizzie Chapter 1: My Roommate

Filed: Lizzie @ 6:01am on August 18, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 1,001
This entry is part 1 of 31 in the series Lizzie

I cannot remember any point in my life in which I was a totally normal girl. I looked normal, but I was a lot more mature for my age than anyone ever gave me credit for.

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Helen Chapter 1: Waking Up

Filed: Helen @ 6:01am on August 17, 2010 3 responses :)   Word Count: 1,064
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This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Helen

I woke up completely disoriented. I was naked on a small mattress laid directly on the concrete floor of what looked like a cell, complete with iron bars. Read More…

Lindsey Chapter 9: Adam and Eve

Filed: Lindsey @ 6:34am on August 16, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 973
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This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series Lindsey

There was a flash of lightning and a pile of conveniently placed sticks of wood caught on fire.

Lindsey looked and realized that the lightning was actually caused by a strobe light and that the fireplace surrounded by rocks probably had a remote controlled lighter in it.

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What is Prevar exactly ?

Filed: Background @ 6:49am on August 14, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 314

When I first started writing Susanna, back in 2001, I had the idea to write about a girl becoming a sex slave for 2 years. I didn’t know exactly what I would write about because it was my first attempt at an erotic novel.

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Susanna Chapter 7: Facing my father

Filed: Susanna @ 6:26am on August 13, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 527
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This entry is part 7 of 40 in the series Susanna

My father was next. He came rushing in.

“Is it true? You want to become a whore?”

“No dad, I don’t want to become a whore. I simply decided that the best way to serve my two years term was as a class S slave”

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Sylvana Chapter 12: Anger

Filed: Sylvana @ 6:23am on August 12, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 527
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This entry is part 12 of 16 in the series Sylvana

“And who do you think you are ? Who are you to judge me ?”, Sylvana added, furious.

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Pets Chapter 22(Candy): Limits Discussed

Filed: Pets @ 5:56am on August 11, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 619
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This entry is part 23 of 40 in the series Pets

My bladder woke me up once again around 45 minutes before my alarm clock. I remembered that Ellie had slept with us. It felt good to have her spend the night. I do hope this all works out.

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Suzy and Jill Chapter 18: New Locks

This entry is part 18 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Despite our emotionally strong commute, the rest of the day went rather well with Jill. We talked little about our relationship and focused on getting as much work done as possible.

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Sam Chapter 2: Downstairs

Filed: Sam @ 5:34am on August 9, 2010 3 responses :)   Word Count: 991
This entry is part 2 of 20 in the series Sam

My mother was asking me to come down to eat breakfast but I was no longer the man I used to be.

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Which stories share a common universe

Filed: Background @ 6:14am on August 7, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 385

Not all of my stories shared a common universe, meaning that the characters do not evolve in the same world.

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Susanna Chapter 6: Awaiting Slavery

Filed: Susanna @ 6:11am on August 6, 2010 One comment! :|   Word Count: 1,236
This entry is part 6 of 40 in the series Susanna

[Note from the Author. Between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 is the serie”Slave Academy” yet to be published. All you need to know for now about those missing chapters is that Susanna spent a month at Atkinson Academy for Slaves.]

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Change to the schedule

Filed: Blog @ 6:10am on August 6, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 145

In the last few weeks, I have written a blog or a story introduction every Saturday to talk a little more about my stories.

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Sylvana Chapter 11: Denial

Filed: Sylvana @ 5:28am on August 5, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 626
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This entry is part 11 of 16 in the series Sylvana

“But you see John, that’s where you are wrong. I am not without a heart. Just because I didn’t love you doesn’t mean I am incapable of love”

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