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This serial initially named Sandra and launched on this site as Alex in the fall of 2014 was initially written in 2002. It was my first erotic story written on a computer (Susanna, my first story was previously written mostly on my Palm Pilot using an external keyboard).
Pat was born Patrick and is now Patricia.
Patricia is a trans-gendered female who decided to do all of the steps to become a woman, except the gender reassignment surgery.
The main character of Karen (another unnamed male protagonist) is a happily married man who, on his fifth year anniversary of their marriage, receives from his wife (Karen) a chastity device secured via his prince Albert piercing he received the previous year at her request.
If you have read in one of my past blogs about Sue, forget everything you read because that story is still in development hell.
Phil is a normal 30 years old normal guy. He has a crappy job and lives in a crappy apartment. Nothing extraordinary ever happened to Phil: he had average grades and dates average women for a few dates until they get tired of him and dump him. Read More…
The Point of View (POV) Story isn’t a real serial but rather an assorted series of chapters which show narrative from another series from the point of view of another character and in a different storyline.
Susanna lives in a world where every teenager, from the age of 19 to the age of 21, is a slave. Susanna was sold as a Class S (sexual) slave in an auction on her birthday and we can follow her adventures which are published every Friday.
The basics of Harmony were laid down in 2005 but the story notes were too restrictive and prevented me from moving the story forward until I decided to vastly change the story to open it up. The basic idea was a rich girl in the future forced by her parents to study in a poor university on another planet so that she would learn humility. I had notes on over 20 of her classmates and found the setting simply too vast for my writing skills.
The first 8500 words of Cindy were written in June 2005 and were an experiment in writing more than anything else.
Lucy, Chapter 1 was written back in November 2005, if I remember properly.
I was actually rather frustrated at an injustice I had been the victim of and passed my frustration by writing the first 2/3 of this story.
Helen is based on a story idea I had in 2004 and which was never really developed until recently, after starting this website.
Lizzie takes place in the near future, perhaps around 2020. It tells the story of a brilliant student who is amongst the first class in the new Artificial Construct Architecture program at CSU.
Sam (formally called DanKun) is an upcoming serialized story to be published on Mondays, alternating with Lindsey.
Cathy is one of the episodic stories which was originally scheduled to run once Sylvana would have completed its run. The first chapter was published on Thursday July 29th in place of the 11th Sylvana Chapter (to be published on August 5th). Now that new chapters are planned for Sylvana, both stories will run alternatively on Thursdays until Sylvana is completed.
The Susanna story was mostly written in 2001. It was always planned to have several chapters dedicated to Susanna’s time spent at the Atkinson Slave Academy. In the second chapter, she visits the academy and longs to return to it for her training. Read More…
Susanna is a story I started writing in 2001 years before any of the other stories published on this site. I consider it to be my second novel. I uses BDSM themes and concepts years before I even learned about them. Read More…
Pets is my third novel which was mostly written in August 2008. It involves three college students, Richard, Ellie and Candy, who explores a BDSM relationship. Read More…
Lindsay is the story of a 18 year old girl who never had any chances in her life. Read More…
My newest story involves a 35 year old man had everything but which abruptly loses his wife Suzy, custody of his kids, his mansion, his employees and his friends. Read More…
Sylvana is one of the many stories I wrote after a dream. I dreamt of a boat in the penthouse of an office building and I filled in the blanks with my own original ideas. Read More…