Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Mon, Mar 31st
This site was broken for a while without me realizing, and it is now repaired.
You can once again view my old chapters free of charge, but if what you want is new ones, I suggest you to over to where you can read a few of my serials (all on CMNF, but one is also about Chastity).
My last chapter on this site was from 2014, I know, 4 years ago, but 2 years ago, I created and began migrating 2 of the stories from this site (Pets and Harmony) with the goal of writing new chapters, but on only one subject: CMNF.
My last chapter was published on October 8th 2014, and ironically, it was titled “New Direction”, a direction which was never explored..
My buffer is only useful when I am actively writing. I create an article, give it a title, a category, a publishing date and sometimes, even tags, but l leave it empty.
I took a two week vacation to try and rebuild my buffer, but didn’t manage to write a single story during that period.
And so, my allergies are not giving me an easy time at all this year.
I am barely able to write, and I certainly am not able to sustain a buffer.
As I look at my archives, I seem to find a critical moment in writing my stories and that’s pretty much always September/October.
You might have noticed that Karen and Pat have switched place in the schedule on July 5th 2014, even if for the last 2 months or so (2 chapters of Pat and 4 of Karen), Karen was still published on a Tuesday and Pat was still published Mondays.
When it’s time for me to write new chapters, I check my buffer and find the holes in my schedule.
Yesterday, I still had two holes left to over all chapters until August 11th: Lizzie Chapters 29 and 30.
As of this moment, I have 300 chapters published on my site, for a total of 310,756 or an average of 1035 words per chapter.
Lucy was my last “active” story which had not seen any chapter planned or published in 2014, and next Monday, a new one will be published.
Last time we had a Sue chapter, last week with Chapter 12, we had Annie try to seduce our narrator into sleeping with her.
Last week, I published a blog, written on May 27th, of how happy I was having a long buffer.
I then had stories published until July 4th, 23 chapters in advance, and felt great about my writing.
On this Independence day, I want to talk about freedom. In my case, about the freedom that having a buffer gives me.
Recently, I wrote Suzy and Jill chapter 37, making it the third longest story in the number of chapters, with Susanna topping the list at 40, and Pets at 38 chapters.
Pets has always been on Wednesdays, eventually alternating with Lizzie.
When I redid the schedule in May 2014, I left Pets in Wednesday, but moved Suzy&Jill to Wednesdays because I wasn’t sure I would even continue Pets at all and Harmony was in full speed.
One of the major complaints from readers were the typos in my various stories.
Sure, the spell check in WordPress (and previously OneNote) helped me a lot, but not when I simply substituted a valid word for another by error.
And so, I was wrong about which stories I would continue!
I wrote new chapters for all of my active stories but Lucy, if I exclude the 3 I placed on hiatus (Cindy, Lindsey and Helen).
Now, instead of writing in OneNote, like I used to do back in 2010, I am writing my stories directly in WordPress and often, publish for the future directly as I am creating the article for the first time.
For the first time in the history of this blog, there is a Five week buffer!
That’s a total of 23 chapters (now that this morning’s chapter is published), and 18,057 words.
This site contains mature (18 years old or more) stories serialized chapter by chapter and written by a single (currently anonymous) author (me), all of which contains erotic content ( or will at some point for newer serials).
With the relaunch of the site in 2014, I am attempting to once again build a buffer by attempting to write more stories each week than I am publishing.
I didn’t think it would be possible, but I managed to already fill a full week of buffer of stories, in only what, 48 hours?
Now that I had plenty of time away from my stories, I want to update you on what I think about their future. Read More…
Guess what? I went on hiatus in March of 2012 and stopped checking my emails. Soon after, I lost my domain name and a squatter bought it.
In the 8 months between June 16th 2011 and February 15th 2012, I have only published 7 story chapters, many of which were the final chapters of Susanna were written back in 2001.
Seeing as I am still blocked, I decided to program the last 5 chapters of Susanna, one per week, on Friday, as per the original schedule.
I first put this site online on July 7th 2010, meaning that it’s been a year exactly today.
With me not posting any new story chapter since I became sick, it’s making me think of my future as a online writer of stories, some of which are erotic in nature.
Hello loyal readers,
I am currently sick in bed with a sinusitis and a fever which Advils and Tylenols are having a hard time dealing with.
When an online writer who decides to publish daily chapters of his stories has a buffer, it’s kind of like a net for a circus performer.
Sadly, I am only human and that means that my creative writing process can be easily disrupted.
It’s been 12 months in a row that I have been writing more or less every day, since I began writing Suzy and Jill in the end of May 2010, and 11 months since I began publishing articles online.
With yesterday’s chapter publication marks the last regular pre-written chapter of Susanna.
There are other chapters planned before those 3000 words are published, particularly about Simon’s redemption, and I will try to write them, but once the first of those final 3000 words will be online, it will be the beginning of the end for Susanna.
As you may have noticed, Olivia has now entered a new phase.
This was the plan since I wrote chapter 1 of her series with many of the characters you will meet planned before Olivia even got her own series.
I try readers as much as I can these days, but I am apparently unable to build a buffer.
I do continue to write and I do have inspiration, work is simply spilling over my writing time. I didn’t miss any days yet and didn’t even need to write a story on the day of it’s publication, but the buffer never seems to grow.
If you have noticed, there are whole weeks during which the buffer of scheduled chapter simply reduces without any new chapters published.
That’s not a question that is that easy to answer.
Some of my chapters are rather steamy and explicit, looking like traditional erotic stories found on the Internet but to be honest, the majority of my chapters simply have absolutely no sexual content.
I have discovered that there are multiple “plateau” when writing a serial of independent sexual encounters.
This week marked the publication of the 30th chapter of Susanna. Read More…
As already mentioned in the past, Pets is about to enter a new era in their story. Read More…
It took me over 6 writing sessions in the span of 3 months to actually write the 8th Chapter of Olivia. Read More…