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It took me over 6 writing sessions in the span of 3 months to actually write the 8th Chapter of Olivia.
I am sorry if you think it’s not one of my finest chapters, but it’s so contrary to the first 6 chapters that I simply couldn’t get into the mood as a writer.
Even if I know what coming to Olivia in 2 chapters, I simply had a very hard time inverting their role. I created Emily as a submissive wife who wants to be humiliated and created a whole personality around that.
I knew it’s just a cover. I knew it’s all an act, but still, I was caught up so much into the moment when writing the previous chapters that I am just drawing a blank while writing chapter 8.
For Chapter 7, I simply imagined that it was Olivia doing it to Emilie and it all made sense. But Olivia barely has a lesbian sex drive so she wouldn’t ask Emilie to pleasure her sexually.
Plus, I am almost out of lesbian sex inspiration. I never though it was possible, but there is simply too many of my female characters having sex with each other so I never have the time to refill my lesbian sex original ideas.
When Sam has sex with one of his two girlfriends, I want it to feel different than when Olivia is pleasuring Emily or as when Harmony had sex with Tiffany, otherwise, I am just reusing the same scenes in multiple stories.
For example, I am stuck with Helen because the next chapter is Helen having sex with Helen II, but I already had no inspiration for Olivia with Emily, so how am I going to write it ?
As a result, for a few weeks, many of my bisexual girls are going to be strictly heterosexual, to let my brain find new ideas to entertain you with my female characters having hot passionate sex.
This is perhaps one of the reasons for Lizzie chapter 16 this week…