Suzy and Jill is now my longest story in number of words!

Filed: Blog @ 7:50pm on July 1, 2014 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 191

Recently, I wrote Suzy and Jill chapter 37, making it the third longest story in the number of chapters, with Susanna topping the list at 40, and Pets at 38 chapters.

Since Susanna is completed at 40 chapters, it means that in 3 chapters, Suzy and Jill reach the 2nd spot with Pets probably having a single more chapter.

However, I just realized, 10 hours before the publication of Chapter 35 of Suzy and Jill, that this series has already reached 37,961 words while the 40 Chapters of Susanna previously held the record at 37,873.

Soon, the only 3 records which Susanna will still hold will be:

  • First story to reach 40 chapters
  • First long story to be completed
  • Longest chapter (Chapter 2, with 2,929 words).

The first 2 records cannot be broken as they are milestones, and I seriously doubt that I will ever write a chapter longer than chapter 2 of Susanna: It was written back when Susanna was supposed to be a novel and chapters were planned to be longer than on a blog.

With hindsight, I should have broken that chapter in 2 or 3 installments, like I did with Cathy, but I stand by my writing.


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