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That’s not a question that is that easy to answer.
Some of my chapters are rather steamy and explicit, looking like traditional erotic stories found on the Internet but to be honest, the majority of my chapters simply have absolutely no sexual content.
Roughly half of the chapters of Suzy and Jill simply chronicle the home life of a man caught between two women with details on how he raises his kids or takes care of his business.
Harmony has a lot of female nudity but the sexual content is rather rare and several chapters can occur without any explicit sexual content. I do get excited personally by the thought of Harmony and Cassiopeia sharing a shower, but maybe that’s just me.
And yet, the sex is present in one way or another somewhere in each of the serials but it’s rarely the focal point of each of my stories.
Even Cathy, who finishes almost all of her chapters fucking someone one way or another starts each chapter with a detailed description of how she manages her father’s resort and talks about her daily life.
You might skip them and I don’t mind it. Read what you want, how you want. But I can’t just write porn. I can’t simply describe long chapters of characters screwing their brains out.
That wouldn’t be me.
You see, I also write non-sexual stories. You can’t find them on this site, they are published directly in my Facebook account or on my personal blog in my real name.
But when there is sexual content, it’s here it gets published, anonymously.
However, I rarely start with sexual description of an encounter. I start with a series of characters and imagine a narrative around them.
It’s only after that the sex comes. When the characters are ready to get down to it. For me, the sex part is there not because I decided to write porn, but simply because I thought it was a part of each of the character’s lives just as sexuality is a part of my own life.
Suzy and Jill could very well be written without any sexual content, but would you read it? Would you enjoy it?
I know I wouldn’t be able to write it because skipping over their sexuality would sound fake in my mind just as much as describing random anonymous characters fuck for the sake of porn would sound fake in my mind.
So, no, I don’t really write porn because sex and excitement isn’t the goal of most of the stories, but erotic content is a part of them and I simply couldn’t censor myself to rewrite them without the sex.
Harmony for example, without the polygamy, without the CMNF and with kids running around would be a completely different story. It’s actually one I tried to write several times in a family friendly style and it was absolutely impossible to achieve for me due to the lack of conflict.
In Harmony, the conflict comes with the culture shock the main character experiences as she not only gets banned from wearing clothes, but as she slowly realizes that far from being an independent woman, she needs to learn to become almost the property of a man, required to wait her turn for sexual attention and service him whenever he wants to.
Her rebellion against the rules is what I see as the conflict moving the story forward. How far will she be able to change things to allow her to be happy? When will she hit a wall?
Without sexuality, I don’t have the writer’s tool set to achieve this convincingly.
Same thing with Lizzie. Infiltrating a secret society is one thing. Infiltrating a sexual one is another…