Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Thu, Feb 6th
Because of my new writing strategy announced 2 weeks ago, my schedules stories are no longer set in stone.
The new writing strategy consists of writing several chapters in a row for a single story instead of 1 chapter per story at a time. This means I might program for example 5 chapters of Olivia over 2 or 3 days to run on 5 consecutive Thursdays without even thinking about Cathy or Sylvana.
If 2 weeks later (after only 2 of the 5 stories have been run) I write a new Cathy chapter, I might schedule it to run on the next Thursday, pushing 1 week to the future the 3 remaining already scheduled Olivia chapter.
So far, only one chapter had ever been rescheduled, Lindsey chapter 10, because the originally published version was simply too awful to be read (not that the new version is good, but it not horrible like the original, trust me).
If you are at some point excited because you see a lot of chapters in a row in your favorite story and suddenly they are pushed to the future for an alternate you don’t like, please understand that different readers have different tastes.
When I started serializing in July 2010, I had only one story per day. It was easy to decide what to publish. Now that a few days have 3 stories in the same slot, I need to make choices which sometimes leave a character alone for a few weeks.
By letting the future schedule flexible, I can write as many chapters as I want for one story without needing to leave holes for another one.