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One of the major complaints from readers were the typos in my various stories.
Sure, the spell check in WordPress (and previously OneNote) helped me a lot, but not when I simply substituted a valid word for another by error.
A few my became by and vice-versa, and even thought I re-read most of my stories before publishing them, a few of such typos would survive because by the time I re-read it, I am not just reading the words, but also my memory of having written them, making me see the proper word instead of the typo.
Why are there that many errors? Because of the fast schedule I am imposing on me. I wrote, for example, close to 1200 words of Cathy this morning in a little under an hour.
Of course, when I go back and read chapters from years ago, I see them and can correct them, but I don’t always have time to correct all of them.
Well, I know have an editor correcting some of my mistakes!
I don’t often talk about her, but my wife used to read some of my stories and I have now have given her access to correct my typing errors and she already corrected many errors from Pets, Harmony and Olivia and has now begun correcting Susanna.
Just for the record, Pets is her favorite story and like many of you, she found the beginning of Harmony to be rather dull, but finds that the story is developing into something interesting in the later chapters…
She only corrects the errors as she is reading, and she won’t read all of my stories (not all of my stories sexually appealing to me and it’s the same for her!), but at least, it means that my stories won’t remain flawed forever…