I now have 300 chapters online!

Filed: Blog @ 5:19am on August 2, 2014 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 116

As of this moment, I have 300 chapters published on my site, for a total of 310,756 or an average of 1035 words per chapter.

These numbers only include chapters and exclude the 67 blogs, the 17 background information posts, 3 about post and 19 stories introductions.

This is for me a major milestone even if many of these chapters come from almost abandoned stories and I lose my domain name for a year and a half.

I know I didn’t write much in the last 2 weeks, but it is still my plan to keep the schedule and feed the buffer.

The relatively new division between Sex Week and BDSM Week notably inspires me, and I hope, interests you!


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