Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Fri, Mar 14th
As of this moment, I have 300 chapters published on my site, for a total of 310,756 or an average of 1035 words per chapter.
Lucy was my last “active” story which had not seen any chapter planned or published in 2014, and next Monday, a new one will be published.
I woke up held by Ellie and realized that my heart was racing.
What was I doing? I had licked Richard’s sperm out of my own volition, I had sucked his dick in public. He ejaculated on my breasts.
I woke up the next morning and looked at the new door.
It was clear the paint needed a second layer and it’s only when Jill asked me when I would do it that I remembered offering to do it myself.
I woke up in Laura’s bed a little disoriented, after having spent countless months sleeping in weird places, first on the ship then in cabin 34, it felt great sleeping in an actual bed.
I was still shaking from my encounter with Annie when I finally collapsed on my bed.
In a way, I was happy I didn’t cede, because that could have very well been a test from Sue. Did you ever hear the joke about the teenage boy who is home at his girlfriend’s apartment and left alone with her sexy sister? The sister starts coming on to him saying she finds him sexy.
Last time we had a Sue chapter, last week with Chapter 12, we had Annie try to seduce our narrator into sleeping with her.
I woke up fully refreshed with a clear mission in mind.
School was starting soon enough, but I had time to get dressed.
I had no idea how to draw Nina out. The fact she freed all of her pledges meant there was no way to get to her from below.
I wouldn’t say that my alarm clock really woke me up, but rather simply marked the end of my torment.
After our scene, my husband and I idly sat at the bar, in theory to do some chit-chat, but it wasn’t long that we had decided to come back home.
Last Friday, I made a change in the way my buffer is built.
I had noticed that since my schedule is composed of 2 alternating primary chapters, most of the weeks simply alternate with each other, with one week having Sue, Harmony, Suzy&Jill and Sam, and the other having Karen, Pat, Lizzie and Pets.
The evening had been surreal. I had never felt so excited before and during the drive home, I thanks my, my what exactly?
I sat on our bed once the kids were asleep and looks through our private bathroom door toward the new door opened to Jill’s bedroom.
By the time I was done in the kitchen, it was already time for the supper banquet and so, I ate with my current family.
Left alone to my demise, I proceeded to clean the living room, knowing the kitchen would be next.
I know some men like to leave the cleaning up for the next day, but I don’t. I prefer doing the cleaning right away and having the next day free from the previous day’s worries.
Last week, I published a blog, written on May 27th, of how happy I was having a long buffer.
I then had stories published until July 4th, 23 chapters in advance, and felt great about my writing.
I came home, still thinking of my new powers and discovered that my plate was already on the table, with my parents having eaten half of their own meal.
The Sacred Society had it’s own room on campus, with an official charter granted by the university and official board members, most of which were gold members of the society.
Supper was a lot more frustrating than I thought it would be, but then again, Karen was especially demanding of me just to get me closer.
I was still talking to Hugo when he entered the room.
My husband, my hunk of a man. The only person I ever loved.
On this Independence day, I want to talk about freedom. In my case, about the freedom that having a buffer gives me.
Hugo had kept me company while my submissives were doing their first public scene under the Jake’s discrete camera filming everything on my own memory card.
And so, I went to work alone at the office, while Jill stayed home to wait for the contractor.
Had I planned my cards right, I could have stayed home too, but I had to attend to a video conference that morning that I could have scheduled any other day of the week, but it was now too late to reschedule.
Recently, I wrote Suzy and Jill chapter 37, making it the third longest story in the number of chapters, with Susanna topping the list at 40, and Pets at 38 chapters.
In a good mood from my meeting with Mark, I ran to the port to grab three electronic tablets and a back pack from the supplies to carry them.
The meal, like most fondue, lasted enough for the four of us to become well acquainted. I say four, because Gus didn’t really participate.
Pets has always been on Wednesdays, eventually alternating with Lizzie.
When I redid the schedule in May 2014, I left Pets in Wednesday, but moved Suzy&Jill to Wednesdays because I wasn’t sure I would even continue Pets at all and Harmony was in full speed.
When you have the brain of a horny teenage man, the body of a sexy girl and have two attractive girlfriends who you just discovered you could have telepathy with, your first thoughts are about a threesome.
Greg came back a lot faster than I thought he would… I am guessing that being free from his cage with the promise of sex supercharged him.
We were still laying in bed, naked, after my wife’s experiment with my new chastity tube.
She seemed half asleep on her side of the bed, but her legs were still shaking a little from her orgasm, something I sometimes saw her do after oral sex, but this was a first after a penetration.
As is often the case, Diane quickly slid toward me, moving from one bar stool to another.
On those occasion, she would never actually stand up and walk to me and instead, shifted to the next bar stool, waited a little, and shifted one more.
One of the major complaints from readers were the typos in my various stories.
Sure, the spell check in WordPress (and previously OneNote) helped me a lot, but not when I simply substituted a valid word for another by error.
The only bisexuality I truly know intimately is female bisexuality. I’ve had quite a few threesomes with an heterosexual couple in which I first had sex with the female member of the couple, and then, with the male.
I woke up early in the morning still stuck between Alexandra and Audreane who were both sound asleep.
We sat down around the table, both couples on either side of the table and Nicole at the end opposite the food preparation area.
And so, I was wrong about which stories I would continue!
I wrote new chapters for all of my active stories but Lucy, if I exclude the 3 I placed on hiatus (Cindy, Lindsey and Helen).
I quickly called Julie to come at Anna’s house. I wanted to know if my new found telepathy powers extended to her too, because that could change a lot of things in our relationship.
I ended up sleeping in the bed, spooning Jill who was spooning Suzy. I was reassured that the idea of me sleeping on the floor was just for the script and that I was still very much loved and wanted by both of my women.
I was quickly ushered into a padded room with a metal table centered, with a single chair on either side, and the door closed behind me.