Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Mon, Mar 10th
You might have noticed that Karen and Pat have switched place in the schedule on July 5th 2014, even if for the last 2 months or so (2 chapters of Pat and 4 of Karen), Karen was still published on a Tuesday and Pat was still published Mondays.
All afternoon, all I could think about was Brian and at first, I thought I would be relieved for school to finally end for the day in order to re-focus my sexual drive toward my two really sexy girlfriends.
I woke up first, from a full bladder and silently ran to our private bathroom, closing the door behind me.
I returned with Mark and Peter at the end of the day and mentally made a note of the distance between the mine and the monorail.
I woke up second, which is not something that occurs frequently.
Sue wasn’t in bed anymore, and her clothes weren’t in the room either. I left my bedroom without bothering to dress back up.
Before I talk about my stories, I’d like to share that I am trying to get back on my feet to write… over the last 5 weeks or so, the buffer has shrunk to 6 weeks to only 1 full week and I am trying to solve this.
I woke up alone in bed with a completely full bladder.
After running to the bathroom, I found Candy and Ellie, naked, sitting in the kitchen against the kitchen counters, whispering and laughing a little with each other and yet, I could feel that something was wrong.
I woke up disoriented, wondering if I had dreamed having sex with Kylie or not.
But Kylie was still next to me. She had moved under the covers in the mean time, but was otherwise naked next to me.
I didn’t move much, letting Karen sleep after the orgasm I had given her, but an hour later, my wife was once again awake and in the mood.
Life was once again routine.
Catherine had new found youth and was able to do things she would have never dreamed of. In some cases, it was simply from her new found energy but she never realized that Lucy was always pushing, influencing her subconsciously.
When it’s time for me to write new chapters, I check my buffer and find the holes in my schedule.
Yesterday, I still had two holes left to over all chapters until August 11th: Lizzie Chapters 29 and 30.
I joined Anna and Julie at school where I explained my dreams about the monastery and the research I did.
I inspected Jill’s paint job once we got back home and was rather impressed with the quality.
It showed it had been a previous job because it was done cleanly and without any drops on the floor or around the painting area. The tools were even properly cleaned and stored away.
After grabbing a few books from the library, I later found Mark and Stephen at the monorail station about to board with Peter, a long-term miner taking my two sexual partners into training.
And so, here we were, in front of my door, seconds after our first fight in which I learned that I wasn’t just dating Sue, but that in a way, I was also expected to please Annie.
Cat was supposed to be the main character of the main story taking place in the Black Lotus dungeon, back when I was planning to build a serial dedicated to it.
I woke up crying. Like always when I am alone in my one room and a half apartment.
Solitude is my burden, shame is my lover, I’ve lived with is all of my life.
After a walk in the dark night trying to hide our mischief, we were back at our dorm room, both excited.
I nervously drove home from work. I had no idea what my evening would entail, but I quickly noticed that all of the blinds and drapes were closed…
On the following night, Lucy managed to gain control of her former body almost as soon as Catherine feel asleep and explored every more of her apartment with her own eyes.
As of this moment, I have 300 chapters published on my site, for a total of 310,756 or an average of 1035 words per chapter.
Lucy was my last “active” story which had not seen any chapter planned or published in 2014, and next Monday, a new one will be published.