Sam Story Introduction

Filed: Stories Introductions @ 2:30pm on July 20, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 155

Sam (formally called DanKun) is an upcoming serialized story to be published on Mondays, alternating with Lindsey.

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Welcome Tales of MU Readers !

Filed: Blog @ 7:38am on July 20, 2010 No comments yet! :(   Word Count: 174

I have decided to encourage my favorite online writer, Alexandra Erin by purchasing a banner advertisement on her excellent website, Tales of MU.

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Suzy and Jill Chapter 15: Lunch Plans

Filed: Suzy and Jill @ 6:42am on July 20, 2010 2 responses :)   Word Count: 1,158
This entry is part 15 of 39 in the series Suzy and Jill

Jill did that next morning her first commute to work from my house. It should have been something natural compared to everything else we did, but there was a eerie impression I couldn’t shake when I was leaving our driveway.

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