Scheduled StoriesNext:None scheduled at this moment.Next Empty Day:Mon, Mar 10th
I woke up early in the morning still stuck between Alexandra and Audreane who were both sound asleep.
I couldn’t see Stephen and that was perfectly fine by me.
I gently slid off the bed and left the house to find the closest shower. I knew it wouldn’t be enough, but it would have to do.
I suddenly realized that I had not taken or seen any coffee since I hadĀ arrived in the colony and somehow, felt better. I think I used to be a slave to coffee, needing it to wake up in the morning but I was now fully alert as soon as my naked body was exposed to the warm sun.
I had a long day ahead of me and Mark would be the target of my first intervention.
Stephen could have been adequate, but I had seen him too much last night to my tastes.
Tiffany was leaving house 34 when I approached it much to my relief, but she jumped at my neck and french kissed me without even bothering to ask me anything.
She left me confused and went on her way whistling.
Inside the house, Penelope wished me a nice day while Cassiopeia politely saluted me.
Mark was getting dressed, but not because I managed to catch a glimpse at his definitely interesting penis.
“I have something to talk to you about Mark…”
“Sure Harmony. Did you have a nice night?”
“Not really, but I don’t want to talk about it. I want to talk about your share…”
“What about it?
“We generate a massive surplus of electricity already. Like, massive. How many men are assigned to solar panel maintenance and installation?”
“Well, Stephen and I are a team, and Jacob and Harold form the other team”
“You see Stephen, I picked my share. I will help better organize the community by helping plan the shares to get the most resources from other planets”
“That’s a totally new share…”
“Yes, it is. And you see Stephen, electricity is pretty much the only thing that we cannot eat, store or export. So, I was wondering if I could convince you and Stephen to switch share to another which would help the community more.”
“So only Jacob and Harold will work on solar panels?”
“Well, after a few weeks, I would switch them too. But first, they will have to dismantle many of them for export. ”
“We have that many in excess? Who will take care of the remaining panels?”
“That’s something I’ll introduce. Part time shares. Perhaps Jacob and Harold could do repairs and maintenance one day per week and another share the rest of the week. Maybe you could also do one or two days per week. I don’t know yet what’s needed. But you have to stop installing panels, all of you, right now and someone needs to start removing them.”
“They are that useless?”
“No, the individual panels on buildings are very useful, like on remote locations. But the vast array of panels are mostly useless. We waste over 99% of our electricity.”
Mark looked very depressed…
“Wow, we had no idea. I just loved the look of the panels, so I decided to maintain them. I didn’t realize it was such a useless share…”
“You couldn’t know. I am sure there are plenty of such shares which are overfilled, and others under filled. I’ll know more over time.”
“Do you know of a share where I could be very useful?”
“Anything with food production. I see that most of the growing is done by girls. Maybe they could use a strong man to help with deliveries. Or anything with mining. We can export many metals to get more material and machine”
“Oh yeah, I love the mining machines. Peter, my younger brother, works in an heavy metal mine. You know, gold, copper, silver. It is a huge mine and he often complained they were understaffed. They drive huge trucks and drills… sounds cool!”
That would serve me well… more metal exported meant a bigger empire!